Friday, May 29, 2015

3 great low back moves

I hurt my back last weekend.  Really, I just flared up an old injury.  So here's some moves that have really helped me with an active recovery.

1. Bird dog - start on all fours, raise the left arm straight in front as the right leg extends behind you.  Try to keep hips square to the ground and belly button pulled in.  Focus on that core.  Do 10 slow reps on 1 side then repeat.

2.  Cat/Camel - start on hands and knees.  Relax your head and allow it to droop.  Round your back like a cat and hold stretch for 15 seconds.  Return to start position and then let your back sway by pressing your stomach toward the floor.  Lift butt toward the ceiling.  Hold position for 15 seconds.  Repeat 2-4x

3. Child's Pose - start on hands and knees.  take your knees out to the outer edge of the mat and sit your tailbone back towards your heels, stretch your arms forward, place your palms flat on the mat, forehead on the mat. Take deep breaths.  Reach fingertips forward for more of a stretch.

Ice, Tylenol and Deep Blue Rub from DoTerra also work wonders =)

Here's a link for later-
Low Back Rehab

Thursday, May 28, 2015

June Workout Calendar

Here you go for June!  Comment below if you need help identifying the moves.  We'll be in well-rounded shape for the summer!

Here's the printable link - June Workout Calendar!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Staying active with the family this summer!

The summer is a busy time for everyone.  We may have vacations, sporting events, and trying to find ways to keep our kids busy!  The months of summer break are a great time to try new activities to get the entire family active together!  Here are some ideas you can do around your house or around town!

  1. Take it outside - walk to the park or local grocery store, ride bikes, swim at a friends house or go on an adventure in your own backyard.  Many local parks have fitness equipment or trails to meet the needs of the different ages and interests of your family members
  2. Stay inside - play your favorite song and have dance party, exercise along with a dvd or do a set of 5 moves and ask your kids to join in! Get on YouTube and have your kids come up with names for the workout!  For young kids, try a “Superman Workout” or make up dance moves to the song, “Let It Go.”  For older kids, try a more intense, but fun, workout DVD where you can do it together.
  3. Make it a game - use flashcards and a dice to create a workout routine, or play a game called “Keep It Up”  where you have to continue to hit a balloon in the air so it never touches the ground.
  4. Look online - there are many websites like Pinterest where you can search things your family likes and you will find activities, games, or workouts that have to do with that.  
  5. Sign up for a class - Many gyms offer swim lessons or even a ‘drop-in’ option for classes without signing up for a membership.  Ask your kids what they are interested in and I bet there’s class available.
  6. Think outside the box - Maybe your family isn’t into a gym workout or sports but you love being active playing laser tag or going rock climbing.  Plan a Friday night laser tag event for the whole family or take a weekend to walk trails.  

Sometimes it’s hard to meet everyone’s needs or interests when it comes to exercise or working out, but the important thing is you are doing it together. Take time this summer to make a tradition of being active together.  You will make great memories that will last, while also honoring your body the way God intended.  Here’s to fit families!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Top ten foods I could eat for the rest of my life.

Here they are...the top 10 foods I could eat no matter the day, time, season (in no particular order) Enjoy!

1. Avocados
2. Cheese (in particular: goat cheese)
3. Tortilla chips
4. Cereal
5. Crab meat
6. Lobster bisque (A girl can dream right?!)
7. Apples
8. Almond butter
9. Spinach
10. Grilled chicken

Is coffee a food????  B/c it would be #1 hands down.

Happy eating friends!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Losing weight while training for a race

Losing weight and running can be tricky, but it can be done with the right adjustments to your diet and knowing your numbers.  So let’s talk numbers:
  1. There are 3500 calories in 1 pound
  2. Healthy weight loss is 1-2lbs/week
  3. 1 mile = 100 calories burned

Step 1:  Determine your daily calorie goal
    To maintain your current weight: multiply your present weight by 13.  That number is how much you burn daily with a little light activity.  To lose a pound a week, you must create a 500 calorie deficit per day. Figure out your daily goal by eliminating calories and increasing the number you burn.

Step 2: Distributing your calories: 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25% fat.  
Healthy Choices for the following:
Carbs - apples, bananas, berries, raw greens, green peppers, green beans
Proteins - chicken, fish fillet, egg whites, lean beef or pork
Fats: olive oil, avocados, almonds, olives, pistachios

Caution food choices:
Carbs: corn, noodles, pretzels, popcorn
Protein: fat-free yogurt, sugar-free anything, low fat cheese, lunch meats
Fat: fat-free salad dressing, margarine

Step 3:  Establish your eating/running pattern
    You want to eat the majority of your carbs around when you are active.  So choose healthy carbs before and after runs and then fats and protein more throughout the day when you are more sedentary.  And don’t go too many hours without eating.  Use an app like My Fitness Pal to calculate calories each day.