Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week 32

Week 32- Jan 28th – Feb 3rd
Baby is the size of – A large jicama….whatever that is!  I’ve eaten it before but what a comparison!  He is 3 ¾ pounds and around 17 inches long.  Believe me, I feel every part of him kicking and moving around!  He has toenails, fingernails and real hair (if any).  He’s getting ready for his growth spurt and his skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps out before birth.

How I’m feeling – Miserable!  My injury from last week has all but completely sidelined me.  I was able to stay fairly active this week, but at the cost of not being able to walk or move by Sunday.  So this week, and I pray I stick to it, I will be resting meaning not doing anything to see if the pain goes away.  I got more adjustments this week but those have not helped 100%.  As I’m reading and trying to figure out what is going on, a number of issues has popped up that seem to resonate with what I have.  My pain does not radiate down my thigh or hamstring, which is good.  It is on the left side of my hip, in the high butt area.  It’s not quite on my tailbone and is very tender to the touch.  Ice has helped a bit, no heat, and no medicines.  Stretching (crossing the injured leg over and leaning into a butt stretch) has felt relief.  Based on everything I’m reading and feeling, I would say it’s a combination of things.  First of all, during later pregnancy, the pelvis is loosening and widening due to the hormone relaxin and causing my joints to be out of their normal position.  My pelvis could be so moved that it’s putting pressure on my sciatic nerve in my butt.  Physical activity does irritate the area tremendously, so I feel it is my piriformis muscle.  It is probably weak or has surrounding weak muscles that cause it to be unstable.  While I’ve been running, no doubt my form has not been great, so those muscles have been weakened and strained (possibly putting pressure on the sciatic nerve once again that runs beneath it). 

Okay great, so I can’t walk and transferring weight is excruciating…7 more weeks of this??!?!  I think not.  I am going to rest this week, do stretches and ice everyday, and continue to get adjusted as often as I can.  I have scheduled a prenatal massage but couldn’t get in until February 16th.  I’m hoping she can release that tension built up in the muscle.  I see my OB on Thursday.  If the pain has not lessened from inactivity, I am going to get a referral to a PT.  It sounds strange to say, but I’d much rather my pelvis keep getting wider to make this pain go away.  In the meantime, your prayers are appreciated.  I want to cry from the pain at times.  =(

Activity –
Monday – 2 mile walk – agony!
Tuesday – Elliptical – 30 min, weights 15 min
Wednesday – Swim – 30 min (ran some in the pool, and that pushing off motion definitely irritated the muscle)
Thursday – light weights – 25 min (squats, plank, curls, dips)
Friday – rest
Saturday – I felt decent-er so after getting adjusted I decided to really push it at the gym.  Dumb move!  I ran a 12 min mile on the treadmill and limped the entire time.  Elliptical – 20 min then weights and piriformis stretches for 15 min.  Saturday afternoon/evening was probably the worse pain I experienced.  So no pain, no gain…ugh, I’m done trying to push through this.
Sunday – REST!  You’d think I would learn by now?!

**I think what is hard for me as a runner/athlete and woman is seeing my body change along with my limitations.  I would do anything for my baby, but seeing your body not being able to do something you’ve trained for years to accomplish, is difficult.  It’s very prideful to admit and I’m really being vulnerable in my admission of all this, but I am scared that if I don’t exercise an entire week, I will A) get fat – not baby weight but you know… and B) I will lose everything I’ve worked to gain for 10+ years.  I know both are ridiculous and it’s time I listen to my body and relax these last few weeks, but I am going stir crazy when it’s 60+ degrees out in January and I can’t even walk outside!  I pray that the Lord will remind me that he can do all things and is in all things…including 7 more weeks of pregnancy.  Gosh, I’m so dramatic.  I pray God would remind me I am his 100% and it doesn’t matter if I can run or exercise or not, but that I am living this life for him and through him.  He has allowed me to do so much in this pregnancy for which I am so thankful.  I was never sick, ran many races including a half marathon and was extremely active until 32 weeks.  That is all amazing!  And he will surely heal me in time while also taking care of the little guy.  Thanks for listening to my rant and my fears.

Maternity/Baby stuff bought/got – I purchased our stroller and car seat because we got 25% off at Babies if you traded an old one in which we had from a friend so there you go.  Plus I got some doubles at Babies from our registry so we exchanged them and put it towards our stroller combo.  I’m still trying to organize things from the shower last weekend.  Wash clothes, put away books and toys, wash bedding, and generally clear a space in his room which is a mess!  Many have asked for nursery pics…hopefully soon friends.  It’s not quite ready to be seen yet =) 

Here’s to a pain-free or less painful week!

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