Thursday, April 5, 2012

I must be crazy

In two days, I will go home and run the Springfield 1/2 Marathon.  In 11 days, I will run the Go! St. Louis 1/2 Marathon.  That's right....2 Half Marathons, 1 week apart.  I've never done this before.  The closest I got was last year when I ran 2 in roughly 6 weeks.  I'm not entirely sure how my body is going to handle that.  My Monday morning bootcamp class should be interesting see as I might not be able to move!

Goals for 1/2 #1 - Pray for different things each mile.  I pray a lot when I run, but I wanted to specifically write down names or things to pray for each mile.  I probably won't be able to pray the entire mile because that would mean non-stop praying for 2 hours.  I'd love to say I'm in that kind of place, but I'm not and being realistic. 
Here's my list:

Goals for 1/2 #2 - St. Louis - finish the whole darn thing!  Believe me, that will be a miracle after this Saturday.  I will be running the Go! with my friend Caitlin and it's her first, so I hope to be right by her side as we finish together!  

I would say a time, but I'm nervous to say a time and then not do well.  I'll go for under 2:10 for both, or at least the first.

Happy Running!

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