Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What's In Your Workout Bag?

I am notorious for packing around 6 bags for an overnight trip to my moms.  I pack a lot and I'm a's just in my nature.  My workout bag is packed full of essentials for whatever I may be doing...the gym or a for a race weekend.  Here's my essentials:

1.  Dry Shampoo - You never know when you'll get a good workout in and need to go out after for a cup of coffee or a quick shopping run.  I don't buy the real expensive stuff because I don't use it that much.  This one came from TJ Maxx.  I love that place.

2.  A magazine and a makeup bag - Gotta have something to read if you're on the treadmill or elliptical and for long road trips to races.  And this is my makeup bag for my workout bag.  It's full of travel shampoo/conditioner, bobby pins, lotion, a comb, hair ties. 

3.  Safety pins and GU - For race weekends, I always end up losing one the 4 safety pins they hand out. So I've been collecting ones from previous races and put them in a bag for when I need more. It's been a life saver.  And of course, I always forget a packet of GU for a race weekend so I started keeping one in the bag because I know I'm forgetful.

4.  A dirty clothes/shoes bag and towel - The other day I worked out at school and needed a place for my sweaty clothes so they weren't touching everything in my bag.  I have used an old race swag bag for this that is fabric and I wash it weekly if I use it.  It's worked out well.  My bag still stinks but this definitely helps keep it separated.  I've gotten small face towels from golf outings and World Series games (woot woot!) that are easy to stuff in the bag for a my face or to wipe off machines I sweat on because yes, you need to do this.

5.  Deodorant - no brainer there.  I need this even when I'm not working out.

6.  Workout log book - I always carry my workout log because I write out my gym plans weekly but it's also nice to have when I travel to my moms and can get in a quick HIIT workout there and don't want to think.

That's what I got!  What's in your bag?! 

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