Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 28

Week 28 – Dec 31st – Jan 6th
Baby is the size of – A Chinese cabbage (I’m not making this stuff up, that’s what Baby Center says).  He weighs approx 2 ½ pounds and can blink and his brain is developing billions of neurons.  Kicks are more blunt and forceful.  I can actually see my stomach move back and forth and sort of dribble.  It is worse at night, however when he is in rare form.  Our favorite comment is, “What the heck is he building in there?!”

How I’m feeling – It’s hard to get up and I look ridiculous trying.  I can still see my toes…at an angle.  I got the worse Charlie horse the other morning, that Nathan tried to massage it but it hurt for a few days.  I’m taking it slower on my jogs and have to remind myself that I need to slow down.  I still don’t have stretch marks but I see a faint Linea negro (that great dark line that appears in the center of the abdomen).  It’s either that or my pants digging into me =) 

We had our first Childbirth class at the hospital.  It was very informative as to what is happening when labor begins, how the baby positions himself, and what pain medications are available.  I have decided, through reading many books and talking to tons of friends who have recently given birth, that I want to have a natural birth.  I am just as shocked as anybody by this.  It will no doubt be painful, however, I don’t have a great back as it goes and I have spoken to several women who have “dead” spots on their back where the epidural was administered and/or still feel pain after 6 mos-1 year of getting the shot.  It is pretty selfish, but it has more to do with me than worrying about anything affecting him.  He would probably be fine if I had the shot, but I am stubborn and pretty tough.  Now, I’m sure moms are like, “Good luck…you have no idea what that pain is like.”  No I don’t, but a large part of the pain we feel is our perception of it.  If I go into it fearful and terrified, my body will cease up and it will be MORE painful than working on relaxation techniques, breathing, and having certain mantras to get me through.  I’m more or less determined to do it and there is no turning back!  Don’t get me wrong, though, I am forever praying for God to allow me to deal with the pain.  It’s not quite the same comparison, but I’ve ran a freaking marathon.  I know what it means to push through pain to the finish and this finish line will be greater than any marathon anyone has ever run. 

Activity –
Monday – Rest…we spent the day sitting in a ski lodge just viewing the slopes.
Tuesday – Travel day – back to Illinois!
Wednesday – Elliptical – 25 min, Treadmill – 25 min, weights – 15 min
Thursday – 45 min run on treadmill; 4.25 miles
Friday – Elliptical – 35 min, 14 min treadmill run – 6.0 mph-6.4 at 2% incline, weight machines – 10 min (felt very tired and barely made it through some of the cardio)
Saturday –my first run outside in a week!  I definitely felt the slower pace due to the belly.  My legs were feeling the impact as well.  42 min – 4.25 miles
Sunday - Rest

Weight gained: Sunday morning – 163 pounds

Maternity/Baby items bought: I found some Lilly pad nursing pads half off at Target so I snagged those up.  I also purchased our crib online from Target.  Those gift cards from Christmas really came in handy!

Slumber Time Elite by Simmons Kids Dresser - Espresso Truffle
Slumber Time Elite by Simmons Kids Dresser - Target

Slumber Time Elite by Simmons Kids Crib N' More - Espresso Truffle
Our crib - Target - Slumber Time Elite by Simmons

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