Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What I eat during pregnancy...

 I have been fortunate enough that my eating habits have not changed much, if at all, during pregnancy.  I haven't really eaten any more, less, or anything different than I was not pregnant.  I do think that since I have been physically active and eating well for 10+ years, this has helped control my weight gain during pregnancy in not overindulging or stopping exercise.  So, here's what I eat on a typical day.....   
Breakfast - protein shake - Almond milk, Chocolate protein powder, 1 cup of Kale, frozen strawberries...yum!
Lunch - Spaghetti squash with Italian sausage, zucchini, and stewed tomatoes.  This was awesome and I loved the squash instead of noodles.
Snack 1 - Greek yogurt, Granny Smith apple and string cheese.  I eat this around 10 every day or something like this.  Often I will fill a small bag of almonds and dried cranberries
Snack 2 - Not great at all but it's all I had.  Pretzels from our recent flight and Gummi Bears, which were awesome!
Taco Salad with grass fed beef, tomatoes, green peppers, spinach, chips, sour cream and Catalina dressing.  Delicious!
 I forgot to take a picture of my dessert that day, which I always have.  I'm not sure what it was but it was most likely a small cup of ice cream with whipped cream on top! Or little candy bars from our Christmas Stocking!

Eat up!

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