Monday, March 30, 2015

April workout time!

Spring is here my friends!  Well, let's hope it starts warming up soon.  Swimsuit weather or at least shorts weather is coming.  Let's be brave and fearless this summer!  Here's a month long workout plan to get your abs summer ready (without being a pain in the neck!) - - -

Print a copy to have at home!

April Workout Calendar


  1. Can you define what these all are?

  2. Sure thing:

    Pulse up - crunch position, legs straight over head, roll/lift hips up so feet are reaching for the sky

    Flutter kicks - lying in crunch position, legs straight about 12 inch off ground and move them up back and forth sort of like a dog paddle move

    Scissor kicks - lying in crunch position, legs straight 12 inch off ground, legs cross over one another in a scissor motion

    Skaters - standing, jump laterally to the right, land on right leg with left leg tapping behind like a speed skater move. That's 1 rep. Jump laterally to the left, land on left leg, tap right behind and repeat.

    High knees - standing (not leaning back), lift knees back and forth in a jumping motion.
